It's not as cold today but the rains have set in. It's a high of 5 this morning in downtown Vancouver. Not too bad but mix that with the wind and rain and it's a bloody disaster outside. To make matters worse, there was stalled train on the tracks this morning which slowed down my commute. I didn't get into the office until 9:10. Thankfully for cell phones, I managed to contact the boss lady in plenty of time and managed to avert any possible office disasters because you know if I'm not here to answer the phones right at 9 all hell is going to break loose! ;)

When I got home yesterday I went up to say hi to my mom who was still up (she has nasty insomnia as a result of depression). We started chatting and the next thing I know, it's 2AM. No joke, we talked for nearly 4 hours. I love my mom dearly. We're close, though things haven't always been this way, and the very thought of moving far away scares the crap out of me. I like the feeling of being able to yell up when I want to talk. We talked about everything from religion to movies. My mom isn't a formally educated woman (she has the Canadian equivalent of grade 9) but she's lived a life full of tests and experienced more in the 28 years she's been married than some people experience in their entire lives. She's a very smart, well read woman that I'm proud to call mom. I can't help but get sentimental when I talk or write about her. She's such an amazing woman.

I heard something very cool on the radio this morning. Two guys from Victoria have set out on a trek. They call it Hitch 50. The idea is that they're going to hitchhike to all 50 state capitals in 50 days of less. The catch is that they're not paying for any transportation. The boys are keeping a blog about their journey which you can view at It's a cool project with tons of links to pictures and to boot, they're local boys!

A few people around are participating in the National Novel Writing Month. Basically, you write 50,000 words in the month of November. I don't have the stamina for that but I'm going to do my own thing with this (kind of like Wiccachicky did). My sci-fi group has a writing challenge every few weeks. My goal is to actually participate by writing my story this month. It's very short, a total of 1,000 words but I'm going to take a stab at it! I'm even going to post a progress bar, just to keep myself motivated!

Finally, a little request for the readers. Yes you, sitting there reading. I know there's a couple of folks who follow this little highway to my brain who hardly, if ever, let me know they're out there. A few months back, wiccachicky and Amy posted a sort of photo diary called Photo Treasure Hunt Meme. The idea is that you, the reader, ask a question and I answer with a picture. So, starting Monday Nov. 6 I'm going to be posting answers to the questions so get off your tuff and do your thing people!! Ask away! And that means you too BIFFers and any other lurkers!


Post a Comment 1 comments:

Amy said...

I wanna see pics of your man! And, I want to see a pic of your living room (just b/c).

November 03, 2006 7:16 p.m.

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