Internationally Renowned

My name at least. A UK friend sent over this image over the weekend. I'd seen my name in big letters before, usually near the water, but this is the first time I've seen it used for a restaurant. Made me smile.




In search of the perfect headphones

As someone who commutes on public transit (lots) and is often out and about on the streets of the City, I find being plugged into music a huge salvation from nagging chatter, particularly from folks on the SkyTrain and/or bus who seem to think they're riding transit alone. I don't really want to hear about your great hookup last night. Yuk.

ZuneOver two years ago, I picked up a set of Panasonic headphones at, of all places, Walmart, which I absolutely loved. They looked great (a wicked retro sort of look), fit fantastic and sounded good too but after two years of nearly daily wear, they needed to be replaced. They still work great but the leather (likely synthetic) on the ear cups started to peel away so that every time I put them on, I was left with an ear full of black bits.

A few weeks ago, I purchased a set of Roxy headphones on sale and what a mistake that was. They're cute but too small and sit on my ears rather than hugging them which makes wearing them for extended periods of time really uncomfortable and to boot, I had forgotten what a pain it was to have cables coming out of both sides of you headphones, I felt like I was choking. I hated them so much, I put them aside and started using my ear buds which also have great sound but which I don't like wearing for more than a few days at a time.

Walking to the Skytrain on Tuesday after a great hot dog stop at Dougie Dog (Go there. It's awesome), I spotted something in the window of Urban Outfitters that looked remarkably like the headphones I so love. So after much searching and wishing I could find a pair of replacement headphones, my dream came true. I popped into the shop last night and picked up a pair of Panasonic RP HTX7-K1, simply put, the best headphone I've ever had.

There was a bit of a markup on these now nearly 3 year old headphones but when you find something you love as much as I loved my headphones, you're willing to pay a little bit extra. I am very, very happy with my purchase. While at Urban Outfitters, I discovered something else, they have a cool assortment of electronics, mostly imported cameras, a few of which I wouldn't mind getting my hands on. They have a great selection on their website and a smaller selection at their shop. I'm particularly interested in the Diana Dreamer and the Instax (which is like a Polaroid - prints credit card size pictures) is awesome! Definitely going to have to check these out in more detail.


Hello World!

It feels like an eternity since I've thought of anything beyond sleeping, eating and watching movies. VIFF was a whirlwind that continues to plague me. I still have a few films to watch and a few reviews to write but for the most part, the festival is finished and I've started my two week detox. No movie meetups for a while though that doesn't mean I'm not watching stuff - there's so much to catch up on I'm not even sure where to start. Likely with the oldest on the shelf. That's as good a place as any.

I'm hopeful things really get back into some sort of norm in the coming days but until then, I'm keeping my head down, catching up on sleep and generally just taking it easy, getting rid of zombie Marina who crept in to take my regular place for two weeks and who has slowly been receding into the background.

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