"Not bad for a Monday"

Long weekends tend to make me *more* tired but today, I'm acutally doing pretty well. Go figure. It was a good weekend....Lavern and I went to see "Shopgirl" on Friday. I must say I was rather impressed by how good it was. I am now more determined to find the novella somewhere. I will read it this year. Saturday, I came to work. Sanded down a piece of furniture (can't remember what it's called, looks like a sideboard but for an office...) and met Dan for a fun evening out. We watched "Jarhead" and boy, was I glad too. Great movie (even for people who don't typically watch war movies - me).

And yesterday, I did nothing. No reading, no homework, no cleaning, no talking on the phone. I just sat around in my PJ, slippers and a blanket watching tv. Random things that I watched: "The Breakfast Club" - I could only watch 20 minutes of this before I gave up. I've just seen it too many times to count. "Meet the Fockers" - I tried. It looked funny! But I couldn't do it. I watched 20 mins of this too. "Chasing Liberty" - this is a cute one. And yes, I cried at the end. How come real life romances aren't like that? "Buffalo Soldiers" - This is a great movie on what happens in a war where there isn't much figting. Manages to be disturbing and funny all at once."Sleepover" - a funny, straight to videoa (I'm assuming) cheezy flick about popular vs. unpopular girls going on a scavenger hunt with the winner getting "the" lunch spot. "Freaky Friday" - I always laugh when I see this one..."The Order" - I have a serious crush on Heath Ledger - but *shhhhhhhhhhhh* it's a secret so don't tell anyone. Hence why I would love to see a sequel to this. Sad but true. Finished the night off with "Blade: Trinity" - The first of these is the best but this one had some great lines (all of which belonged to Ryan Reynolds). I also rented "Cypher" which was awesome. Vincenzo Natali does it again. If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest that everyone rent "Cube". He directed on an impressive budget of like $250,000 (90% of which went to special effects...actors worked for almost free). It's amazing. It's turned into a bit of a joke with all of the spin offs (like the "Hellraiser" movies. The original directed by Barker = Awesomeness, the rest = not so great). "Cypher" is about 2 companies that hire people to "spy" on the other company. But to do that, one of the companies brainwashes people. Sounds complicated and to be honest, my explanation just blows but I highly recommend it. Awesome.

And since it looks like I'm on a movie kick, here's a list of a few other movies that I have seen adds for and which look mighty interesting. I'm thinking this is going to be a good "checklist"...:

Aeon Flux - looks really stylized and just like my cup of tea. Plus, I really enjoyed the cartoons.
Casanova - Heath. Again. Yum.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - looks like good fun. I'm really excited to see how Narnia looks.
Memoirs of a Geisha - I loved this book. Hopefully the movie will be just as good.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Next weekend!
King Kong - WOW. This actually looks pretty good....
Brokeback Mountain - Heath and Jake together. Oh God. Plus Ang always makes a good movie.
Syriana - So Clooney put on a bunch of weight for this. It does look like a great story...
Just Friends - Reynolds and the fat suit. Plus this guy is freakin' hilarious;
A Skanner Darkly - they've been making this for along time. Based on a story by Philip K. Dick and directed by one of my favs. Linklater (he directed "Before Sunrise" and "Before Sunset" among other notables) plus Keanu is back into Sci-Fi. Nice.

So I think I'm done for now. I've probably scared everyone with all the movie talk and bloody links coming out of the ying yang. Look at it this way: if you're really bored, I've given you lots of stuff to look at! :)


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