Friday Randomness

There's all this stuff floating around in my head. Here are some tidbits.

  1. It's Friday!
  2. The boss man has been complaining for weeks about the radio station so 2 weeks ago he changed it from the soft pop station we were listening to to an AM station of "lounge/soft" music (Sinatra, Krall, Bennett etc). I never realized how many songs are covered in this "genre" (if you can call it that). I just heard the Doors' "Light my Fire" in lounge format. Can you say W-E-I-R-D?
  3. The weather is supposed to be magnificent this weekend and into early next week with highs to 28. WHOOHOO! Summer is almost here.
  4. I'm really excited about going to see "Poseidon" this weekend - in IMAX - BONUS!
  5. The boss lady just left again without signing my timesheet. Darn! The temp agency is going to be hounding me with emails on Monday.
  6. I'm looking at flight information every day. Planning to book at the end of June or early July.
  7. The DNS info for my new website hasn't been changed yet. This time it looks like it's actually going to take 72H. I'm still trying to wrap my head around whether I want it to be a blog or an actual site with a CMS system for updating the pages remotely. If I can figure out a way for this to work (with built in comments), it may be the way to go. HAAA! Something new to learn!
  8. I have to pick something up for Mom tomorrow. I was thinking a massage certificate.
  9. I'm happy with the court's decision of life in prison for this dude that "accidentally" killed a nine year old girl. Yeah, and I'm "accidentally" a girl.
  10. Every time I hear U2's "City of Blinding Lights" on my 'massive suffle' my face lights up and I just want to dance and sing out loud.
  11. I gave the boss lady more logo options yesterday. She LOVES them. She's passed them on to the boss man for review. It's funny. She told me that when she handed them to him, she told him that they were done by this pricy graphics/branding dude who has an office in North Van. She's not going to tell him the truth until he picks one he likes. Heck, maybe this is my TRUE calling (though I doubt it!).
  12. I caught "ER" last night for the first time in years. OMG. I couldn't believe all the people! I was like "OMG, that's the dude from A Walk to Remember!" (Shane West). A few minutes later: "OMG. That's the chick from Bend It Like Beckham!" (Parminder Nagra). Still later: "Holy shite! That's John Leguizamo!" And fianly: "That's Darlene from Roseanne! I though she was dead!" (Sara Gilbert). Not to mention a bunch of other people who I recognized but couldn't be bothered to look up. Seriously, how many stars do you REALLY need on a show?
  13. Did I mention that it's Friday! YEY!
  14. Have a great weekend everyone!


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