End to Crazy Week!

It has been psychotic at work this week. Here I thought things would be nice and relaxed with the PM gone but no, all other hell breaks loose. It's now Friday morning, I'm up to my eyeballs in work, I've taken on a new minor project with the movie website which ties into VIFF which means it's time sensitive and I'm supposed to be getting some rest this weekend but I have a load of movies to watch in prep for a special gig next week.

The gig is very exciting really but I'm a little nervous. These guys have a show I listen to religiously. They're insigtful, smart and always sound like they know what they're talking about even when you can tell they're talking out of their asses. I don't want to come off sounding like I'm a film dud. So yeah, very nervous. Once details are finalized I'll pass them along.

One good thing is that D and I have decided to drive the Mean Mary down to the US tomorrow. D wants to check out some of the automotive stores out in Bellingham and I'm looking forward to checking out the Japanese super store we discovered at Bellis Fair.

Sunday will be my movie day. I've scheduled an entire day of running around town to various theaters. Hopefully the weather stays nice so I don't have to worry too much about rain. It sucks to ride transit when it's pouring. Monday will be a day of rest and hopefully I can get through a fun book I just started and squeeze in a few more DVDs. I have a feeling once classes kick in on Wednesday my life is going to come to a screeching halt pretty quick. This will be the first semester where I'm going to school full time and running the site full time. It was bad enough with just school and work but this will be the real test.

But that's enough rambling. I hope everyone has a fantastic long weekend and I leave you now with this week's playful KFF!


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