When I started working with my current employer, now going on nearly four years, there was an envelope in my drawer full of old stamps. I wasn't quite sure why they were there, that part of the job was never explained, but I did continue in the tradition of cutting the stamps off of the mail envelopes. At some point, the envelope started to budge and I was left to figure out why they were being saved in the first place.
After doing a little research online, I came across Oxfam Canada's "Stamp Out Hunger" project. Essentially, the group collects used stamps and envelopes to raise money for special projects. Earlier this month I sent them my third batch of stamps and in return, they sent me a letter explaining the details of the project, how it works and how exactly to collect your stamps so that they fetch the biggest dollars:

If you work in an office where you get a lot of mail, amassing a big pile of stamps happens quite quickly but even if you're at home, it's easy enough to take a moment to cut them out. It only takes a minute to help someone and I must say, every time I've sent off a little package I feel a little moment of glee knowing I did something nice for someone else.
It only takes a minute and a few old stamps to make a difference!
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May 30, 2008 12:26 p.m.