Make It STOP

I can manage around cold, wet and snowy weather - wish the same could be said for our transit system. I realize that safety is first priority but what happened to me last night was a catastrophe and I blame poor communication as a major problem. I left the office at 5:45 last night and didn't make it home until 10PM. The reason for the major delay: waiting at 22nd Street Skytrain station for a bus to take me home. Reason for the lack of bus transportation: icy roads.

Yes, it was an inconvenience and I would have been OK with the delay and eventual re-routing except for the simple fact that the bus drivers, who knew they were not moving, failed to tell any of the hundred or so passangers stranded at the station what was going on. I finally had to ask a driver what the problem was but only after standing around for an hour in the freezing cold.

I am disappointed in our transit system. One would think that after years of bad weather, they would have figured out how to best keep the system up and running but just as we're taking two steps forward, we take 4 steps back. It's frustrating when your sole mode of transportation is public transit. They'd better get all this stuff sorted out over the next year because they can't be having these issues during the 2010 Games.

I just hope the ride home tonight goes a little smoother. At this point, all I ask is that the weather c0-operates. How about waiting to freeze roads until AFTER 7PM? Thanks.


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