Worldwide Photowalk 2010

Unbeknownst to me when I originally signed up, last Saturday was Worldwide Photowalk day. What's that? What's a photowalk? It's when you go out with the specific intention of taking pictures. Something which is a whole lot more fun when you can share it with a group of people (even if you don't talk to them for most of the time because you're too busy taking pictures).


Special K had sent me the info and I signed up, hardly paying any attention as to what website I was joining - knowing only that I had to register for this particular walk before it filled up. It was only later that I realized that this was a worldwide event with walk occurring all over the planet!


Our walk started at Vancouver Photo Workshops, which then led over to Mount Pleasant and eventually, Olympic Village.


A few of us got separated from the majority of the group as there was too much to see and shoot along the walk, so we finished up on our own and headed home at a relatively early time. I took somewhere in the range of 300+ but after weeding through, I came down to a total of 170. It's still a whole lot of pictures and I'm sure I could probably weed the batch down further but frankly, I was just happy to be our with my camera, shooting and trying to figure out how all of my controls work (yeah, still learning). For the most part, I think it went quite well.


A few of my favourite pictures are peppered through this post but many more available, as usual, on Flickr.



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