It's been so long, I'd almost forgotten how to update my blog. Seriously.
We moved two weeks ago. Actually, it felt like we were moving for three weeks before and one week after (which, in fact, we were as we had possession of the rental property early and were able to start moving boxed in right away and afterwards...there's the cleanup). Thanks to some fantastic friends who came out to help (I don't we could have done it without Khaled and Kathy), we managed to get it all done. By the time we returned the truck, the garage was full of stuff and the front yard too, covered with blue tarps to protect it from the rain. The place looked like a trailer park for the first week we lived here.
The weekend after the move hubby, mom and I spent 5 hours taking everything out of the garage and re-organizing it to make more room. The day of the move we were in such a hurry we pretty much just dumped everything in and you couldn't walk in there. After hours of work on Saturday, the garage was so organized you could almost park a second car in there.
We had hired movers to move some of my parents large furniture and in the process, they dropped the top of the dining room table down the stairs, breaking the table and damaging the entry.
It's been nearly three weeks and we're still waiting for the insurance company to send a carpenter out to fix the entryway. Thankfully, the new owners have been very understanding and we haven't had any problems. I just hope that it gets sorted out soon - one less thing to worry about.
In eight months, we'll be doing it all over again.
Other than the move, not much going on. We've had a few stumbling stones adjusting to the new place but nothing too serious. I'll share some of the nightmare stories next week.
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