
What a great weekend! We had record breaking attendance at BIFF on Friday night. Games Night always seems to attract quite a number of people and this was no exception. Even honey showed up with K. The prospect of cheap beer was too much to pass up and they ended up having a really good time. Good enough that they're planning a trip back! WOOHOO!

The weather was soooo amazing that rather than going to the movies, we decided to spend the day out and about on Saturday. We took a trip downtown, walked around Yaletown, took an Aquabus to Granville Island, walked around there, took lots of pictures and 2 short videos of a street performer "escaping" from a straight jacket then headed back into Burnaby, went for dinner and then home. It was absolutely beautiful, great fun and D and I took lots of pictures. For mother's day, we put together a little BBQ for mom and invited my aunt over. My mom was SOOOOO happy with it. We also gave her a gift certificate for a massage and European Facial.

All the sun over the weekend seems to have payed off! It looks like I managed to get a bit of a tan and my skin is a nice golden brown.

That was my weekend. I hope all the moms out there had a wonderful mother's day!


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