Oh Crap!

YEY! It's almost time to go home!

I'm freaking out a bit. Yesterday was the deadline to fill out the Census questionaire. This means that I have to go home tonight and get it done. I didn't realize that you could be fined if you didn't fill it out! That's just insane! So now I have to fish the bloody form out of the TRASH in order to get my pin so that I can fill it out online. What a nightmare.

The day was full of printing, adding adhesive and sticking in order to get PO's out of the office. They've been here for almost a week and I've been waiting to get approval to order "Sign Here" and "Initial Here" stickies and I just gave up waiting and made my own. It was an all day job but it's very nice to be able to see the top of my desk again!

Thanks to everyone for all the input on the logos. I'm going to have to put up the banner for my other "project" so that I can get some feedback. I'm thinking of having some T-Shirts and buttons printed with it once the site is up and running!

Oh yeah, and just a note on TDVC - the movie had its pre-screening today at Cannes and initial critic reaction has not been stellar. I think the rotten reception may have something to do with all the hype and then, disappointment. Only the weekend box office numbers will tell the real truth and we won't know the reality of it all until Monday.


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