Bad Start to Tuesday

It's not been a great morning. I didn't have cream in the house so I didn't make coffee this morning (had to buy it. Never as good). Then, on my walk to work, I slipped. I fell square on my knee. Not to mention that it raines over night so the street was all muddy and stuff. I know have a massive scrape on my knee (which hurts!) and my pants are all brown along the bottom. I've managed to clean some of it off, thank goodness for the quick dry black material, but you can still tell it's a bit dirty. Yup. Not a stellar start to the morning. At least I rinsed out my coffee cut well this morning. For a minute after I poured the coffee I thought I was going to have soapy brew. Thank goodness that's not the case. I don't think I could handle another bad event before 10AM.

Hope everyone else has a better morning than mine so far!


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