48 Hours in a Day

I need either: 1) A couple of days off or 2) A 48h day. I have so much stuff to do over the next couple of days I'm just not sure where to start. The movie reviews are starting to pile up and I just haven't found the time to sit and write. I have to set up a couple of schedules for various groups for the next couple of weeks. I have to start prepping for back to school in September and SFX might not be completely out of the question as a friend of ours is talking abou driving out. I'm not getting my hopes up on this one. If it happens - great. If not...I'm not going to get upset over it.

D went to Bellingham yesterday. This is a funny story. He lost is birth certificate. To boot, he had to renew his driver's lisence on the weekend and they took away his old one, the new one is in the mail so to boot, he has no photo ID. I thought they'd given up on the idea of going but they decided to try it regardless. Well, he must not look like a terrorist because they let him in and out! Off the cuff on Sunday I had said that if they did go, I wouldn't mind some Victoria Secret hand lotion. He's a sweety! He went in there all by his lonesome (bro decided it wasn't his thing) and actually asked for assistance. He brought me an amazing bottle of Passion something or other body cream and spray. WOW. The stuff is amazing! I need to take a trip down there now. He wouldn't stop raving about the stuff at VS. It was really funny.

Now let's see if I can't post a review for POTC2...


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