A Hot and Sunny Wednesday

It looks like the weather is on the upswing. After a few days of autumn-like weather, it feels like things are going to be getting hot again. I guess my days of showering three times daily are coming back. Work seems to be back under control after a couple of weeks of crazyness. Good thing too, I was starting to really dislike coming into the office.

We went to see Miami Vice yesterday. Thoughts will be forthcoming later today. I bring this up because the dude sitting next to us brought his young son (as in looks like he's 12) to see it. With all that gratuitous sex and violence? What was this guy thinking? Honestly? I just wanted to reach over and cover his eyes in a few instances. And during the previews, all I heard was "I wanna watch that. I wanna watch that". I'm not sure who I wanted to smack more: the kid or the parent.

I heard the funniest news over dinner yesterday. Eurovision is the longest running "American Idol" like program ever. It's been around for 50 some odd years and it's how ABBA hit it big, after winning in 1974 (with "Waterloo"). Well, the usually teenbop/pop Eurovision was invaded and taken over in 2006. Lordi, a Finnish death metal group won the competition. I have to track down this video footage somewhere. This is priceless.

And last, but certainly not least, I heard about this on Friday but didn't have time to look around for the link. It was (thanks K!) emailed to me this morning and I just had to share. I'm not sure if it's funny because it looks so stupid or because I'm jealous I can't do it too.

Happy hump day folks!


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