Another selection for you Halloween movie lovers is John Carpenter's classic The Thing. This 1982 classic surpsasses its 1951 original (one of the few films that is better than the original). A tale of monsters at an Arctic reseach station is as good today as the day it came out. A little gory and definately thrilling, it's still on many lists of best horror flicks of all time. Not to mention that Kurt Russell is awesome.

Yesterday I decided to update to the new BloggerBeta template layout design. You may have noticed that the Haloscan comments were disabled for a little while but I've now got them back up. The new system is SUPER easy with drang and drop boxes that don't require any coding but if you do have to do any hard coding, be prepared for a nightmare. I'm not sure what language it's written in but it's not your standard HTML. Everything else worked like a charm and I managed to add everything on the sidebar from drag and drop boxes. For those who regularly read my movie reviews, I've also added an RSS feed from the movie site on the sidebar so you can easily stay up to date!

I had a great time with the girls last night. We headed out to the movies and a few folks from Meetup unexpectedly showed up which was nice. I've also (finally!) gotten a responce on what I need to go shopping in the great US of A and it turns out I'm OK! We've made plans to go down to Bellis Fair (sp?) on Nov. 4th. I'm REALLY excited! I was checking out Target (Tar-ge with a French accent) online and they have a sweet assortment of plus size stuff. I can't TELL you how difficult it is to buy clothes here for anyone over a size 14. Nightmare. So yes, I'm very, very excited!

Last but not least, I read some interesting news on Tuesday that I thought I'd share with you. Kurt Cobain, one of the greatest musicians of my generation, has now surpassed The King as the highest earning dead celebrity. Between October of 2005 and October 2006, he made $50M. It's upsetting to know that such a great talent was taken from us so young. He, like John Lennon, is one of those guys that make me wonder how differently the music business would be today if they were still alive.


Post a Comment 2 comments:

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Bellis Fair!! The last time I went there was this costume store opening up. I so desperately wished it was open!

October 27, 2006 9:36 a.m.

Webmiztris said...

Just so you know, there is a setting in the layout area of blogger to switch back to the HTML format of non-beta Blogger. I did it and it works just like it always did. I hate that new drag and drop shit!

October 27, 2006 12:14 p.m.

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