It was freezing at home yesterday (pilot light went out sometime in the afternoon which meant no heat for most of the day) and then this morning, my dad decided to try to light it himself. Sounds innocent enough except that at 6:30 this morning, we heard a huge boom. D and I got up like lightning and ran down the hall to find that my dad had tried to light it himself, something went wrong and there was a bit of a pop which shook the walls and caused the mirror I had int he hallway to fall. Sadly, the frame broke but the mirror itself was intact which is a good sign. I managed to get back to sleep for an hour but D was up until the alarm went off again. Not necessarily the best way to start the morning.

So I managed to register for my classes yesterday. I'm all set to go for January - I just have to pay the tuition fees. Education should really be free. It's such a struggle trying to go to school while still managing to live. Ah well, at least when it's done it could mean a more productive career for me.

Hope everyone's having a good week! I'm off to open some mail!


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Anonymous said...

Good thing nothing happened to your dad!!

*L* What kind of mail did you get?

December 05, 2006 1:29 p.m.

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