My little sister is going through a hard time. She's feeling really overwhelmed which in turn makes her depressed that she can't handle everything. She's only taking two classes but she broke down yesterday - something she doesn't do often. I'm worried about her. I've offered to track down a counselor or someone for her to talk to. Just a question for those of you out there who've gone through college - is this common?

My mom, sister and I sat around until 2AM just talking about nothing. It was really nice but I didn't get to bed until 3 and this morning I paid for it. I'm feeling *really* tired. It was well worth it but wow, I'm feelin' it.

To finish on a bit of a positive note, I read Darren's blog regularly and today he posted a little something he calls "Enhancing the Christmas Shopping Experience". It's a great laugh. Check it out.


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