Well it's official, I'm now making money from reviews. Not a lot of money mind you but a little. I've been hired onto screenhead.com. Just working out the kinks and then we'll get started. I'm thinking I may only be giving them DVD reviews because, after all, I have to look out for myself first and the new release films will probably bring me more hits but, we'll see how things work out. Generally, I'm just happy this is moving ahead so nicely.

I'm really tired this morning, thanks in part to a long night, but more than anything, I'm excited about classes starting out again tonight.

Other than that, there isn't much else going on. Still have a bunch of stuff to get through so I'm thinking I'm going to reserve Saturday night and Sunday for doing some work on the site. I really need to talk to someone about updating it. I should really be playing with Drupal a little more but at this point, I'm concerned about losing some of the data (comments) stored in my wordpress files. I need a re-design. Anyone out there do WP designs? I'm willing to pay a little money (not that much to be had at the moment but I badly need a reorg).

On You Should Have Dined In

Take-out order taker: May I have your name please?
Customer: Bill.
Order taker: John?
Customer: No, Bill?
Order taker: Dion?
Customer: Bill.
Order taker: Jill?
Customer: No, Bill. Do you know Bill Clinton?
Order taker: Yes.
Customer: My name is Bill, like in Bill Clinton.
Order taker: Okay, Dill Clinton. May I take your order, Sir Dill?

Exchange on the phone at a Manila take-out restaurant


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