Pressure is mounting!

The previous post was a test of the new (to me) Flickr option to "blog" a picture. Totally awesome.

The day is almost done and I'm still swamped with work. I have tons more to do before the end of the day and a whack of stuff to squeeze in this weekend plus I'm still trying to recuperate from the illness. Needless to say I'm starting to feel the pressure.

On a good note, I did manage to post our second podcast and this one is much more in line with our goal of 10 minutes or less to make for easy listening. So make sure you check it out here. And, of course, comments and criticisms are always welcome - and no, you're not going to hurt my feelings.

KFF for this week:

What a great picture (just look at that smile!)...except for maybe the shoes...At least we know he likes to be comfortable!

On Thanks, But No Thanks

Genital wart
volunteers needed

classified ad in the Washington Post


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