Let's begin with a very special birthday wish to the movie that inspired a generation of directors, movie fans and geekboys and girls: Star Wars. May the power be strong for another 30.

It's been a bit of a crazy week. It's been particularly busy at work thanks in part to the long weekend and the fact that the accountant is off today and I'm stuck in the office for the day. Not so much as a coffee break. It's a bit of a bugger. Tomorrow afternoon I'll be turning into a photographer when I make my way down to our presentation center to catalog the suite in pictures. I'm actually looking forward to that. I've never done this type of thing before. Should be fun.

Before I disappear before a mound of paperwork for the day and the rest of the weekend, I want to wish everyone south of the 49th a safe and fun long weekend!

And now, drum roll please, today's KFF: Back to Basics.


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