Geek News Roundup

This MTV mash-up album has to be one of the best things EVER. Jay-Z and Linkin Park together? I'm not complaining. Quite the opposite, I *love* it. I only bring this up because I'm about to upload the new LP album to my mp3 player. Can't wait.

Don't be surprised if the internet loads a little slower today. At 5AM this morning, a select half million gamers got the go ahead to download the beta version of Halo 3. Halo 3 you ask? Well, we'll just say it's the game I'm most looking forward to.

In other geek news, Maxim posted their list of Hot 100 girls and Second Life girl made the list at number 95 (I'll refrain from commenting on the skank that topped the list). Second Life you ask?

That's about all the geek news I've got for today. Here's today's PWF:


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