It's been an interesting day. For the rest of the week and next week I'll be starting work at 8AM. The project manager, who usually comes in at 8 and answers the phone until I start at 8:30, is on holidays and the accountant cried and whined about coming in so early to cover so guess who gets the job instead? Yeah. To get here 30 minutes earlier means getting up a full hour earlier. It's a pain in the ass I tell you.

Class was good last night. My cousin's girlfriend walked in just before we got started. It's kind of cool having class with her because she's also a big movie fan. So far it's been good. We saw the only full feature we're going to see in class, a French Canadian film called Jesus of Montreal and it was pretty good. We got a sense of the professor and he seems good except that after the movie he brought up a couple of points "that we may have missed" that were blatantly obvious, or at least I thought they were. We'll have to see what the rest of the class thought when we get together again next week. I think it'll be a good one.

I was going to make a pitstop at the movies tonight but I've decided to go home instead. I have a bunch of things I need to watch and do so I'll take care of that stuff tonight.

Hope everyone's having a great week!


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Anonymous said...

You are *so* going to kick ass in this course!!

May 10, 2007 4:36 p.m.

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