More Toys

I've had a headache for 2 days. Not sure what it's from considering all I did yesterday was clean-up, dentist, hang with mom for a bit, BBQ, eat and laze in front of the TV. I even slept though the middle chunk of The Sopranos. I wish I knew what was up. I'm feeling a little better now but not by much. Tonight, I'm heading home to relax. Hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow.

On Saturday, D decided that instead of going on vacation by himself, he was going to spend a chunk of the money on something totally useless that he could amuse himself with during his time off. A few telephone calls and a trip to the mall later, we have a new toy.

Here it is....

And here's D putting it in...

I haven't played it yet though I did buy myself a little game and yesterday I saw a Capcon classics game for $14 which I need to buy. Oh my. Street Fighter at home???? YEY!


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Anonymous said...

Oooh la la! More toys! Hurrah!

Have you had a stressful week? Sometimes once the body has a chance to de-stress, the headaches come!

May 14, 2007 12:27 p.m.

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