Bonus KFF

Sorry for the lack of regular posting lately guys. It's been a bit crazy with life, school, work, the site and I just haven't had much time to do much of anything. Instead, I've just been posting odd tidbits of stuff as it comes up. Yes, I know all about Twitter but I can't be bothered with another account.

Life has been good though. Lots of good stuff going on and more planned for the weekend. D and I have decided we're going to go away for a weekend in August. Not sure where yet but if anyone has recommendations of places to go in driving distance of Vancouver, let me know. I was thinking maybe Seattle. Someone mentioned the music experience thing there was cool plus they have the Star Trek museum. We'll see.

As for my weird post about the T-Shirts yesterday...thanks to everyone who offered a hand! Samanthadelayed has ordered the shirt for me. I'm very excited! I hope it arrives before the movie! *evil grin*

As for the KFF bit, I know, I ran out of time on Friday to post it so this week, you get a special semi-mid week edition.

And if you want more...there's a bunch here.


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