Movies + School + Presentation = Cool

I had one of the best classes ever last night when I presented my essay topic: "Uniquely Canadian: Unmasking Commonalities in Canadian Horror Films " to my film class. The paper is not nearly as dry as the title sounds but it was late and I had trouble thinking so that's the best I could come up with.

Fresher than even the paper was my presentation which, I'm positive went over the 20 minute requirement/limit but which I think went rather well. A few folks mentioned how much they enjoyed it and the professor said something like "I have a new appreciation for horror films". Easily the highlight of my week.

Movie related news - Fox sent me some passes for the screening of Danny Boyle's new movie Sunshine. Screening is next Wednesday at 7PM. If you're in town and interested, be sure to check out the contest here. If you need some help, the answer is here.


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