Of no importance

I'm posting simply for the sake of posting. I was working on jennjr's 80's music quiz but got caught up doing work and have yet to return to it. I may give it another go now. Seems to have slowed down slightly. Other than that, it has been rather uneventful.

Though I did have a bit of a heart pounding moment yesterday. I was writing my inclass essay yesterday and with 10 minutes to go (or so I thought) the professor called time. Yes, mid sentence he called time. Turns out I managed to hear him incorrectly and instead of 9:10 the exam ended at 9. It's a good thing I had been working on my ending on a scrap piece of paper so I stapled it to the back page and explained what had happened. I'm not sure if he's going to deduct any marks for me not allowing time for completing. Though technically I did finish, the last paragraph is litered with cross offs and crooked handwriting. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now except wait.


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