New Toy

OMFG. I almost forgot to tell you all about my FABULOUS new toy! No, it's not a sex toy so stop thinking about it.

Yes, it is what it appears to be, an mp3 player. A Creative Jukebox Zen Micro to be more exact. And yes, mine is that colour. I still have the parent version of this player. Still works great as a hard drive but the sounds has gone caput. So, after eyeing this little beauty for what seems like months, I finally went out and splurged on Friday and bought it. Needless to say I spent a large amount of time on Saturday morning transfering over music and setting the whole thing up. It's awesome. I'm not just saying that either. Honestly, in comparison to iPod, this is the winner hands down. It's cheaper, just as attractive, comes with all of the accessories including a carry case, PLUS it has the added functionality of FM radio transmitter built in along with recording from radio and a 12h battery life. Not to mention that it's substantially cheaper. But enough of that. The reality is that I *love* my new little toy. I had nothing better to do yesterday so I added some new music including Madonna's new single as well as Alanis' version of "Cry". Coolness.

Talking about music, can anyone suggest a good Johnny Cash record? For some reason, I've been on a bit of a kick and I want to get a CD or two of his but I can't decide. I figure I can't go wrong with a greatest hits but there's a bunch of them!


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