Chocolate and Coffee....YUM

So once again, I'm bored out of my mind. I spent a few hours this morning with the boss on the phone helping her update her home email. I then decided to make some changes to my blog. Though they're not huge, I added a blog search, a RSS feed (yeah BABY!) and I *finally* fixed the comments which were buggered up. They would show up on the main page but not on individual posts in the archives. That was a bit of a headache but it's finally resolved. WOOHOO!

Now, I'm thinking of what more to do and eating candy which Dan and I purchased at discount prices after the holiday. The words chocolate and sale in the same sentence are just too good to resist. I guess I'm going to do another browse through my reading list and then read more random blogs or somthing. I wish I had some work to least it would help pass the time...


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