Requesting Help: Scheduling 101

I've tried it all: paper organizer (OK for a few weeks and then I fall out of the habit of using it), PDA (also OK but I always forget to recharge it and/or sync), my head (a little shady when it comes to remembering dates and times). Playing around with my iPod the other day, I noticed that it has both a tasks and Calendar feature but I haven't figured out how to make either one work. I've been searching around on-line and discovered that there are ways to sync the iPod with Google calendar (the one calendar I've managed to keep updated, mostly because I can export from a variety of other online sites directly into it.

Since I always have my iPod with me and since it seems to be the only thing I charge and sync regularly, I figured that using the on-board calendar would be the ideal thing. Apparently you can sync the iPod with Google calendar through Outlook but I have an adverse reaction to using Office on my home PC so I thought I'd put it out there: does anyone else know how to sync the Google Calendar with the iPod? I've tried this handy tool but it doesn't seem to work (I'm running Windows XP and have an iPod nano. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Photo from Flickr care of Andrew*.


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