I don't often make the trip out to enjoy any fireworks on Canada Day, mostly because they're usually downtown and I just can't bear the throngs of people coming from everywhere to take in on the action. But it looks like this year I don't have to head far from home.
From a recent press release by the Quayside Community Board:
The Quayside Community Board announces a significant financial contribution to the Hyack Festival Association Canada Day Fireworks on July 1st, 2008 at 10PM. The Quayside Community, with 4000 residents and 2080 condominium homes, are proud to ensure this important first time event takes place in celebration of Canada's Birthday.
Taking place on the tip of Lulu Island in Queensborough this dramatic display will be seen from a large area of New Westminster and Surrey. In co-sponsorship with McQuarrie Hunter Barristers and Solicitors and New Westminster Vancity Savings the Quayside Community Board is proud to bring this exciting and important celebration to the shores of the Fraser River. Viewing points will be available all along the Quayside Boardwalk. Take the skytrain to New Westminster Station, go south over the Hyack Square Bridge and walk west towards the Rail Bridge for a close up view of the action.

How very exciting! Looks like the fireworks display will kick off at 10PM.
Tuesday is also looking like it will be a fine day so it may be worthwhile to pack some outdoor gear and head out for a full day of fun including on stage entertainment, community displays, family/children's games & BBQ, formal ceremony, and a family lunch and fun box auction, all of which is taking place at Queen's Park. These events kick off at 11:30 AM and run through to 3:30PM.

So prep yourself for a full day of excitement! Not to mention, all of these events will make it easy to get out early, enjoy the evening and stake out a spot for the fireworks!
Post a Comment 2 comments:
long time new west resident. Just thought you should know your site is the first result when searching for:
new west fireworks
on google. Thanks for the tips.
July 01, 2009 8:02 p.m.
Thank you!
I found out about it very late last year AND this year but did manage to put up a little something about this year's event too.
Didn't make it out but hope you had a fabulous time!
July 02, 2009 8:43 a.m.