It's hard to believe, especially considering that I haven't been watching for a while, but one of the best shows on TV is calling it a day.
When I was sent a notice about the BSG finale I expected it to be coming months from now so you can imagine my surprise when the date said March 20th. That's just a little over than a week away. I guess once it's done, hubby and I will have to get caught up (we've only watched to the middle of season 2) - even if I already know how it ends.
You see, the local BSG group, The 13th Colony, is organized by a wonderful lady who I have the pleasure of calling a friend. Val is fabulous and she never does anything half way so it's no surprise that to the ending of show is going to be a bang.
She's organizing a huge farewell that is going to be so big, it's attracted the attention of SPACE's very own Natasha Eloi. The SPACE crew will be in town to capture the action at the finale and guess what? You're *all* invited!
I know, you want details! Here we go:
When: Friday, March 20th - starting at 5PM
Where: La Fontana Caffe, 3701 Hastings St, Burnaby, BC V5C 2H6 - (604) 298-4004(Google Map)
There are loads more details on the Meetup and Facebook event pages.
Organizers are asking that if possible, you come in costume and if you have them, to bring along your mini-mates and any other BSG related action figures (old or new) you may have.
If the opportunity to be on space isn't enough encouragement for you, I'm sure there'll be loads of photos and twittering going on and I'll be on hand with camera and phone ready for action (I promise, no spoilers).
If you're in town, be sure to come by and join us - it's going to be fantastic fun!
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*blushes* Thanks Marina! We don't have all the details yet, but Space is setting up a satellite link to include us in their LIVE broadcast "Fan Forum" after the show ends.
March 12, 2009 1:58 p.m.
You deserve all the praise my lady. If it weren't for you, I doubt SPACE would even have noticed the group.
Looking forward to it!
March 12, 2009 3:30 p.m.