Sunday of Rest

On the heels of my recent post about scheduling, I found myself with a relatively free weekend. Aside from some work to be done on Saturday (Dale and Colleen popped in for some recording and we had dinner with my cousin), I spent a blissful Sunday resting.

The wind woke me up at 8AM and rather than staying in bed unable to sleep, tossing and turning, I got up and curled up on the couch to finish my book. I should have used the time to watch some of those movies I’m behind on but I really didn’t feel like turning on the TV and a few hours later, I had finished my book, spent some time watching hubby sleep followed by a trip to do some grocery shopping and then dinner with the family including sis who came in from Langley.

I also watched a good chunk of TV but nothing I should have been watching. Instead, I took in some Andy Samberg in “Hot Rod” (a guilty pleasure of mine), a bit of “Seven” and we even squeezed “Silence of the Lambs” in there. Hope the long weekend allows more time for catching up. That stack of DVDs is getting a little precarious.

All in all, a blissfully quiet weekend with little running around.

And just for fun, from the excellent 80s heavy "Hot Rod" soundtrack:


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