Friday Thoughts

So the BIG movie is out today and the reviews are all over the place now but this morning I read this one and I burst out loud laughing at this line: "And then there's Ian McKellen, who could have walked on a sound stage and read the entire Bible and made it worthy of a $10 movie ticket." Oh hell yeah! Oh YEAH!

D told me last night that his brother is spending the weekend at our place. Hold on a minute. He's WHAT?????????????????? This is the dude that KNOWS months ahead when he's coming back to town and HE DOESN'T BOTHER TO FIND A PLACE TO LIVE???? Supposedly, he can't get a short term lease because of bad credit. How the HELL is that my problem? Exactly. So why do I have to put him up? Come on! The guy makes twice as much money as D but he can't pay his bills? D keeps saying it's just for the weekend but the last time he came to stay with us "for a few days" the few days turned into almost 3 weeks. It would be OK if he was a clean guy (or if I had a spare room) but he's the BIGGEST SLOB I've EVER met. Oh god. My beautiful house. I'm cringing just thinking about it. However, he's D's brother and I'll put up with it until Monday but then I'm going to have to insist he find somewhere else to stay. Am I a bitch for not wanting him there at all?????

I feel bad for disliking him so much but I just can't see how someone who has had so much luck has managed to screw up so badly. It's not like he's 20. The guy is nearly 30 for goodness sakes! I just don't think it's fair that D is always going out of his way to help his family (mom, and brother - his dad has been pretty good over the last couple of years) when they don't do anything to help him when he needs it. Yes, I realize it's family but mine isn't like that. We all help eachother. I just think he's always being used and abused.

But that's enough ranting for now. I'll be back later with a super cool (and happy) meme. Promise.


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