Monday Thoughts on Tuesday

What a weekend. Rather than lots of rest, I had a busier than usual weekend. I did manage to get a bit of extra sleep but not as much as I'd like (probably because of the gross weather).

My camera and MP3 player, which have been acting up a bit lately, appear to be working in tip top shape now. I have a feeling that the overly warm, damp weather may have been tinkering with these "sensitive" electronics and now that things are a little dryer (though it's been raining for a few days and it's suposed to stay wet for the week), they seem to be back to normal.

I did get a lot done this weekend. I don't think I've mentioned it yet but I've been asked to wear a costume at an upcoming parade as a member of the BC Costuming Group. I've never been involved in something like this IN MY LIFE but it sounded like fun. I've found a pattern online so the only things left now are buying it, buying the fabric and sewing the entire thing. And I only have 2 weeks. In reality, I only have one week because I don't have time to hit the fabric store until the weekend. I'm stressing over it a little but mostly, I'm really excited. That's the pattern! How exciting!

The BIL is still with us. At the suggestion of a friend, I actually did some work on his behalf on Saturday and called around to a couple of places which have vacancies. There were a couple that are possibilities so yesterday, I gave them to him. He seemed happy for the help but you never really tell with him. I will admit that he was very tidy and orderly over the weekend and he may have even found a place on his own. The bad side of things is that he's probably staying until the end of the month. If he does stay, he'd better be prepared for a couple of nights in the front room while I sew away into the long hours of the night next week. But I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

I'm also not quite sure what happened this month but I seem to be low on money. It's usually not this tight but this week I have even less money than usual. I'll have to check at some point to see where things went amiss but I have a feeling it was the trips to the dentist. That's two this month already and sure, it wasn't that much, but they were expenses I don't usually have. Oh boy. I guess no lunch time coffee this week! I'll have to drink tea! I'll try to post the meme. I know I said I'd do it Friday but I just didn't get around to it!


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