The Meme that Almost Never Was

Here's something else I've been meaning to post. Nearly deleted it before doing so!

The game is this: I was given the letter "C" by The Webmiztris. I need to list ten words that start with that letter that mean something to me. If YOU want to play, leave a comment saying so and I'll give you a letter too. Come KNOW you wanna play!

1. Couch - I spend quite a bit of time on mine usually watching a movie (usually a good one but occasionally a really crummy one).

2. Cigarettes - I was trying to leave this for lower down the list but it just kept coming up. I'm not sure what they mean to me but I do like them. Sadly enough - I know.

3. Coconut - I hate coconut. Whenever I even smell it I just want to be sick. Something to do with drinking Coconut milk growing up.

4. Cranberry Juice - I *love* cranberry juice. White or red matters not. As long as I can mix it half and half with water, I'm happy. However, D recently created a new martini for me: Cranberry Pineapple Twist YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
5. Cheese - Especially the kind Grandma brings back from Portugal. More yummy in my tummy.

6. Cry - A good cry once in a while re-news the soul. At least mine.

7. Compassion - Something I have a lot of. You've got to REALLY screw up to bring out my nasty side.

8. Compromise - I do a lot of this too. Usually not in my favour. I'll learn. One day.

9. Conditions - I hate these. If you're going to do something - Just do it. I avoid conditions at all costs.

10. Communication - They (friends, employers, strangers) tell me I'm good at this. I just like to talk. If that's made me a good communicator all the better!


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