Hump Day Already!?

I'm not sure where the first two days of the week went. Actually, I do know. All those bloody drawings that I've been packaging and distributing. We're back to normal programing now (thank goodness!).

The weekend was good fun but I don't think I EVER want to repeat Saturday. It was one of the busiest days I've ever had. It started with a 5AM wake up call so that I could be at the Costuming Guru's house in time to get to the parade at 9AM. The parade went from 9 'till noon, at which point I was lucky enough to get a ride to the sea bus (Thanks serenalita and hubby) and then off to the fabric store because I bought the WRONG SIZE PATTERN when I purchased my fabric). New pattern in hand, I was off to the Muggles for Magic meetup to meet the organizers and some of the members. After that, a hurried bus ride to the downtown core for a 6PM Meetup with the Movie Group. Dinner and finally home (Thanks to S for the ride home. I'm indebted to her for that. Made life soooo much easier for me!)

Here is a short clip of the parade. It's not the greatest quality because it's soooo big and the clip was just little when I uploaded it but you get the general idea. These guys were behind us the entire time and were great fun. Also, I'm happy to report that that is NOT the cosutme I'll be wearing on Saturday. I'll be sporting my very regal gown. Seeing this, I'm also thinking I seriously need to put some effort into losing a few pounds. Oh well. Enjoy!


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