
I'm always happy of the fact that D and I don't have many arguments and we've only had a couple of fights in our 8 year run together but yesterday took the cake. I went home right after work because I still had a lot to do on my dress. I forgot to turn my phone on when I left the office and so, when D came in the house, he mentioned that he'd been calling to see if I wanted to go out for dinner. I said that I'd take a break to eat and asked him where he wanted to go. So I'm thinking we're going to have a nice dinner together, just the two of us. D goes to the front room, talks to his brother and about 1/2 hour later they both come back into the kitchen. "We're going out to dinner. You want to come?" I was in a bit of shock. I thought *we* as in me and D but now brother was coming along. I had a bad day, I wasn't up for appearances and I told D I'd stay home. So he's getting ready to go and he asks me what's wrong. I say "Nothing" because I'm really not in the mood to get into it. So he asks me again. I still say "Nothing". Then he says that I need to lighten up. I lost it. Totally lost it. I said to him "I'm sorry but I've seen enough of your brother to last me a while and I just don't want to have dinner with him". Yes, it was mean, I know but I'm at the end of my rope and this just pushed me over the edge. D made some comment about how I need to 'lighten up' and then he went for dinner. He hasn't talked to me since then.

I was a bit upset when he left because I did come accross harshly but I don't think he fully grasps where I'm coming from. Yeah, I've told him how I feel about having brother there but I don't think he understands just how much it irks me. I was going to say something to D this morning but I changed my mind. He asked me what was up and I was honest. I'm not going to appologise for being honest. On the one hand I feel bad because I made him angry and upset but on the other I'M angry and upset because I think he doesn't "fully" understand how much this whole thing has pissed me off.

I'm not sure what to do. I usually feel pretty good about dealing with this stuff but this has left me at a loss. Suggestions are welcomed and much appreciated.


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