Frinday Roundup

It's been a BAD night/morning. Here's the list:

  1. On my way home last night, I stopped at the bank machine to get out money so that I could buy the remaining supplies to finish the dress. The bank machine ate my card = no $$
  2. Stayed up until 3am sewing fringe on dress BY HAND because if sewen by machine it would frey.
  3. Got up at 6:30AM (1/2 hour earlier than usual) so that I could make the bank. Took too long in the shower and missed the bus. Had to take bus in the other direction and took longer to get downtown. Barely had time to go to the bank.
  4. Bank wouldn't give me a new bank card. After the citizenship dealy, the government took my permanent resident card and my mom is till holding my citizenship card which means I HAD no picture ID in my wallet. They let me deposit a cheque, withdraw $200 but they wouldn't issue me a new card. WTF??? Now I have to figure out a way to get to a bank that's open tomorrow to get a new card. Just what I need, more stuff I HAVE to do. Bugger.
  5. Still have to sew the belt for the dress and add eyelets to the sleeves. PROBLEM: I have no eyelets and the only shop in the downtown area which carries them is only open 'till 5:15. Another WTF???? Trying to talk to boss lady to get a longer lunch hour so I can head down there.
  6. Gotta finish that dress. I hope I don't have to pull an all-nighter to finish it.
That's the bad news. Here are the good news:
  1. D and I talked last night. We're good. He appologised and I appologised and things are back to normal. Yey! This is GREAT because I don't think I could go another hour not talking to him. I had a lump in the pit of my stomach all day yesterday. Feeling much better now. Thanks to everyone for your good advice. I used a little of everyones!
  2. The dress is looking FANTASTIC! I Can't believe I actually made it! I can't believe how beautiful it is and I'm excited to wear it! I just have to finish it!
  3. It's FRIDAY!
  4. I found ot this morning that Finola Hackett, a 14 year old from Alberta, Placed 2nd at the Scripps National Spelling Bee yesterday. YEY! Congrats Finola! You can read the whole story here.
  5. The problem with my MP3 player appears to be a simple fix. I just have to install the new firmware. I'll have to do that this weekend.
  6. I'm going to see "X-Men" tomorrow!
  7. I'm going to be in another parade tomorrow too!
  8. I may have company for SFX in September! K is interesting in going and he's trying to convince D to come along. It would be FANTABULOUS fun!
  9. It's Friday! (I know I already said this but it deserves repeating!)
I have to go drink more coffee now...

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


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