Weekend Update

It was a nother full couple of days. The group I usually meet with on Friday's had a Filk night (my first) which was interesting and fun. I requested "Special Agent Man" (fromt he X-Files) which was great fun and one of the members even emailed me the lyrics! It was awesome! I went home and stayed up until 3 putting finishing touches on the dress, putting in rolers and getting everything packed up.

Saturday started with an early morning wake up (6:30) to give me enough time to do my hair, get dressed and out the door. I was going to catch a cab from the Mall but decided agains it and, instead, took transit. Good thing too, I made great time. I took transit in full costume and I'm amazed that NO ONE asked me about it. I did get a few strange looks but no one asked about anything. The parade was really great fun. We were a pretty big group with a cross of Sci-Fi, movies and period (me and Jo). Darth Vader (of course) got a lot of attention. Me, not so much, though I did get a few nice comments from folks. The next project for me is going to be something recognisable - I was thinking maybe something from "Ever After". I was thinking LotR but it's very popular and I'm not sure I want to do something that others already have. Either way, it was fun, I got a bit of a sunburn and (again) I was sore as hell afterwards. I'll post a link to the pictures as soon as I have any. At the moment, I have NOTHING to show I was there! Oh yeah, cosutming suggestions are being accepted too! :)

Saturday night I met the movie group for "X-Men". It was good fun and we had a nice meal and lots of converstaion after the fact. Looking forward to the next outing.

Sunday was very quiet. I was supposed to help out with some packaging of card but I was soooooo pooped, I didn't get out of bed until noon. D and I went to do some grocery shopping and while at Walmart, I picked up season one of "Dark Angel" for $18. What a steal of a deal! I'm a happy camper. I was disappointed by the season finale of "The Sopranos" but "Big Love" did a great job of creating a cliffhanger. Can't wait to see what's going to happen now that they've been exposed.

That was the weekend. Busy but fun. I only home next week is a little slower. I really need some time to just rest.


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