I got me a trip!

I can't tell you how excited I am. I was doing my genereal morning reading and discovered that the largest Canadian convention is taking place the weekend of Sep. 1 to 3rd. Since it turns out that I'm not going to be able to afford a trip to Dragon*Con, I've started looking at maybe doing this for the long weekend and I think it's totally doable! I have some friends from Toronto and they've recommended a couple of hostels in the downtown area that they've used and were thrilled with (and they're in walking distance to the convention!) and the flight is going to be about $500 (thought I have to book this soon because I'm sure the prices will go up as we get closer to the holiday). OMG! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited! My furthest trip ever was to Salem Oregon in '97. And to boot, because it's a long weekend, I only miss one day of work (maybe two if I decide to stay an extra day and see the sights!) WOOHOO!


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