Another day, another dollar

There's 2.5 hours left in the day and I have a headache, my eyes hurt and I just want to get out of the office. It's been a crazy day and there appears to be no end in sight. I'm in a bit of a lull at the moment because they're in a meeting but I just know that as soon as they come out of there, all shit is going to hit the fan.

I've been looking at the cost for going to Dragon*Con in September. I need a bit of a break and when this opportunity came up, I thought I'd look into it. As much as I want to go, I don't think it'll fit into my budget. Flying is going to cost about $700 return which is doable but I still have to find a place to stay and then spending money. I've looked at the hotel prices near downtown Atlanta and they're not too bad if you're going to share (about $90 CND per night) but for me to stay on my own, that would be a $400 bill. I'm not sure I can swing this. Maybe next year. Instead, maybe a trip to Seattle. Not as exciting, I know, but at least the Sci-Fi museum is there!


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