Can I have a couple of days off?

That's what I feel like today. So much for having a nice, relaxing, fun weekend planned. It all went to hell in a backpack when I got a call from my hysterical little sister on Friday night. She and her man went to the island for their anniversary. They had a fight at the restaurant, he took off and she figured he'd gone to the hotel only to find out later that he hadn't just gone to the room. He'd gone to the room, packed his stuff and left. I heard her message on Saturday morning (at like 2AM when I got home) and after a few hours of sleep and another phone call from her, I caught a ferry out there to get her. Of course, when you're not thinking straight all hell breaks loose and that's what happened. I was in such a hurry to make the bus (so that I could make the connections to make the ferry) that I left my phone plugged in at the house. That meant not calling D to tell him where I was because I haven't memorized his number! Instead, I let my mom know where I was going and had her call D.

In the end, she was already pretty calm when I got there. They've been together on and off for a couple of years and a few weeks ago, she told us that she'd left him for good. Now this happens. The guy is a FREAKIN' LOSER! I just hope that she's learned her lesson with this dude.

I finally got home late last night and by the time I went to bed, it was almost midnight. This morning, I squeezed myself into a tiny bus seat so that I could nap on the but ride. Then, I nearly missed my stop on the train. I'm exhausted and can't wait to power nap at lunch. I could use some shut eye for sure.

Now I'm off to catch up on reading and trying to find out what on earth happened on "The Sopranos" and "Big Love".


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