It's Freakin' Friday!

I was ready to spill blood yesterday. Let's just say that leaving things to the last minute when you've had ALL WEEK to get me to work on it is not the best way to get me to be productive. If anything it adds pressure, I make mistakes and then I get pissed off! To boot, this morning he gives me a bunch of the work back saying that there's errors in it. What the fuck did you expect when I cram 3 days worth of work into 1? And to boot, the project manager didn't pick up on them either. Heck, I wonder why? He basically told me he didn't care. If shit flies, it'll be the boss' fault. Well, the shit isn't flying yet but I think it may explode this afternoon - hopefully, when I'm NOT HERE.

I guess the "Bomb Iran" song/video thing wasn't as funny I thought it was. Did anyone actually see it? It is pretty funny - and the title is deceiving.

I was reading Time yesterday (I signed up when they had a deal where you get 2 months free or something) and their issue of 100 people who shape our world and was surprised to hear that the CEO of Costco, Jim Sinegal makes "$350,000 (plus modest bonus and stock options)". Yeah, it's a lot of money to me but compared to those other CEOs of massive companies, this is bargain basement. I have all that much respect for Costco after reading that. And then I read, not in Time but online somewhere, that Britney hired a husbandsitter. Yes, she's hired some woman to watch her husband 24/7 while he's club touring to promote his album. Brit, girlfriend, I may not know much about relationships but I do know this, if you have to hire some schmuck to follow your hubby around to make sure he stays out of trouble, it may be a sign that THE MARRIAGE IS OVER!

Oh. Oh. And then there was the news that George Lucas is going to release the original Star Wars on DVD. Wait a minute, I though he did that a few years back? Oh hell, this new release is the un-CGI, un-embelished, un-changed version. So what? Am I supposed to jump for joy? Freakin' hell man! How many copies of Star Wars can a person have? Yes, I'm a fan but I've dumped enough money into LucasCorp over the last few years. I'm not going near this release with a ten foot pole. Try pawning that release on the rick geeks of the world.

I'm going to dig a hole in the ground and hide away until Monday now. Maybe I won't be quite as testy then.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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