People in the Press that Shouldn't be

This is interesting. I was thinking about this little tid bit this morning when I heard, for the 4th time before 10AM, an advertisement for a televangelist (this should be illegal - they take money from the old and poor who really can't afford it, all in the name of salvation. They give organized religion a bad name). And then, I was reading Sylvia's blog and she had up a little thing about Ann Coulter. Check out her blog - she has some priceless quotes. Now, before reading further, keep in mind that I know NOTHING of this woman except for what I've managed to read in the last few hours but, to me, she sounds like a crazed lunatic. It never ceases to amaze me how crazy folks like her manage to make it in the media. Now, this is solely my opinion based on the bits I've read, but she comes across like a NUT and I can't believe people, in their right minds, would give her the time of day. Goes to show that being smart doesn't necessarily mean you're right. Now, during my search for info on this woman (I'm ashamed to call her that), I came accross two things. The first is a bunch of quotes and the second is this picture (which, rather sadly, made me laugh):


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