Strange Day and Lots of PICTURES

I managed to get one movie review up this morning and then Blogger died. First time it's happened since I've been here and it was a bit weird. Sort of messed up the rest of the day too. I didn't manage to read anyone's stuff. I'll try to catch up.


I noticed/spotted a number of interesting things over the last few days. This morning, I saw a girl come out of the language school across the street. She was dressed in outside going clothes but she was wearing slippers. Big fluffly slippers that look like lions. Fashion note (from the not so fashionably inclined) - BAD IDEA. Not a look I'd like to generally see. I hope it never catches on.

I walked by a guy yesterday afternoon who was wearing a First Nations t-shirt with a picture of an eagle. Has anyone else noticed the resenblance of the First Nations masks and the Mexican luchadore masks? Interesting.

Thanks to Serenalita, I now have a picture of me from the Parade on Saturday. Here I am in full regalia, laughing my ass off. I'm the one in the black dress.

And here is a group picture from the Lynn Valley Days parade two weeks ago.

And last, but definately not least, this is a really cool little thing. For the past few years, the City of Vancouver has worked with a bunch of different groups on installations that are placed around the city and then sold (I *think* some of the money goes back to the city but I can't be sure. Please correct me if you know any more!). There's a really great one on the corner of Burrard and Robson, just outside HMV. I'm sure he has a name but I didn't read the plaque. I call him, Darth Bear. Check it:


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