One Day and Counting

This weekend can't come quickly enough. For some reason, the week seems to have gone by quickly but at the same time, it feels like what I did Monday I actually did last month. Weird. Must be the lack of sleep this week. It's thrown a loop into my clock.

I got a bit carried away yesterday. I accidentaly deleted the database I had created for my new website and then, after a near breakdown, I started from scratch. It actually worked out for the best because it looks much, much better now than it did before. If anyone is interested, you can pop over and check it out here. It's not "officially" launched because it does still need a lot of updating which will happen over the weekend but it's a good general idea. If you notice something that doesn't align or look right, please leave me a note in the comments section there or here along with the browser that you're using so that I can try to correct it. Soon the blogger version of the site will be no more! Believe it or not, even working from a template, that "simple" look took nearly 6 hours of coding and graphics editing. YIKES! I think it still needs at least 6 more hours!

Oh yeah, and I finally downloaded that song that Sylvia was talking about. Darn you Sylvia!!!! Now I have "Ms. New Booty" in my head!!!! ;)


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