"Thank you Jesus! Thank you Tom Cruise!"

The title of this post is a rip-off of one of the lines of the up and coming "Talladega Nights". If you haven't seen the trailer....OMG. Go HERE right now!

Thank you to everyone for all of your well wishes yesterday. It was so nice to get everyone's support. I'm thankful to report that my hosting provider restored my site from a July 23rd backup. I only lost a couple of days worth of stuff. The thoughful guys over there, after having a nice laugh at my expense I'm sure ("Did you read her email? That poor pathetic woman sounds desperate and clueless"), sent me a how to on backing up the database. I'm ready to roll again!

When I was 16, I discovered boy bands. Actually, correction....I discovered THE boyband. N'Sync was the next best thing to chocolate for me for a while and I had a massive crush on Lance - I think it was the hair. Well it turns out that my crush is gay! I'm happy to hear he's made this public. My sister didn't let me forget the crush though. "HAHA...did you hear that your loverboy is gay? HAHAHAHA" Little bitch. If I didn't love her so much I would have knocked her one. But alas, she's blood and I DO love her to death and I know she was kidding.

When my site problems occured on Thursday morning, D was already asleep so he didn't find out about it until the next morning. I told him what had happened as we walked to the bus in the morning. "I'm really down about it. I think I need a hug". His response "We're in the alley! I'll hug you later". WTF? Since when do you shy away from a hug in public? It's not like we're dry humping or anything! Needless to say, I made a bit of a stink about it with a little twinkle in my eye. We made up a few minutes later just before getting on the bus. We're wosses. Can't stand to be upset with eachother for longer than a few hours. The longest was 9 hours (a whole work day) and then I was calling him right at 5PM.

Oh yeah! And if you live in Canada, congrats folks! We're 10th on the list of happiest nations in the world! Condolences go out to my American buddies. You guys only came in at 23. Check out the story.

Hope you all manage to get out and enjoy the slightly milder weather! Have a great weekend!


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