
I'm a vision of disorganization this morning. It's a combination of being tired and having nothing to do...

Last night, I was going to meet the movie group to see The Illusionist. I had just finished dinner and was walking out of the restaurant to head down to the theatre when my phone rings. I picked it up without even looking at the number and was surprised to hear the Dragon Lady on the other end. She'd forgotten they had a meeting at the architect's office. She needed me to take minutes. Me, being the moron that I am (but only after a bit of quiet coaxing on her part), agreed. Didn't finish 'till almost nine. When I got home, I was kinda ticked off to the point that I couldn't really sleep so I stayed up and watched one of my most recent acquisitions Clueless. OMG. Watching this was like flashing back to highschool. From the music to the clothes and the talk. I think I *still* say "What-ever!". I, again, laughed at the NIN/Rolling Stones comparison and lets not forget the super handsome and sweet Paul Rudd. When I watched 40 Year Old Virgin I knew I'd seen him somewhere but I couldn't quite figure out where. Now I know. Needless to say, I'm going to the movie tonight. Yes, by myself.

I happened to notice a bunch of kids in Tool T-shirts yesterday. Not that it's anything weird but it seemed like more than normal. Turns out, Tool was in town yesterday. Not sure how I missed that concert announcement but I did. If I'd known earlier, I would have gotten some tickets. Oh well. Next time.

Oh yeah, and I'm completely hooked on the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" books. I'll pretty much read anything that is recommended (thought it's always harder if it's non-fiction) and I picked up the first two books at my Bookcrossing meeting earlier this month. I read them and yesterday I had to go back and get the third one. I'm completely hooked. Too bad this is the last of the series. If someone can recommend anything similar, I'd love to hear about it.

Hope you're all having a good "hump" day.


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