A Great Weekend Followup

Well, this weekend turned out to be fantastic fun. Actually, that should really read Saturday turned out to be fantastic fun because I did little of anything on Sunday. On Saturday D and I went to Canada's first ever Flugtag event. German for "day of flight" (or something to that effect…can't find the exact meaning of the word today…), this is an event put on by Red Bull and although this has been going on for years around the world, this weekend marked the first ever Canadian Flugtag. It was the best time D and I have had out for a long time. And totally free to boot! I've posted my pictures of the event but I thought I'd share my favourite team with you:

Yes you see right. That is indeed a mustache. A giant, flying mustache. It was a lot of fun. I got a bit of a sunburn (I still can't believe that!) and D and I are really excited for next year. We weren't really prepared for this one but we will be! Plus, some friends of ours came out from Bumfuck Nowhere to see the event with their kiddies and now we're all talking of submitting an "aircraft". I doubt we'll ever go ahead with it but it was fun to talk about it afterwards. I was sooooo exhausted from all of the sun that on Sunday, we went out from brunch and while D when to look at cars, I went home, did a bit of laundry and vegged out with a few choice movies. Yeah, really lazy day.

Yesterday was a busy day around here. I've never scanned so much stuff in one day. Today, I'm updating all of our documents with the new logo. I'll do that a bit later thought. I'm going to enjoy having the office to myself for a bit this morning!


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