I'm feeling lousy today. It's the first time in a long time that I've suffered through painful cramps during you know what. I'm really not feeling up to par. I had a hard time sleeping last night too so I'm a bit extra tired today. Even with all of that, I'm sooooooo happy it's the end of another work week. It's been a bit testing with all the shit flinging around the office but things appear to be a bit calmer today. And even if it starts again later, I know there are only 6 hours left to go. I'm so thrilled I'm actually counting down hours. Sad, I know.

So I went to see The Illusionist on Wednesday night (review here). I bring this up because, for some reason, I left the theatre in a bit of an altered state. Not sure what it was because although I loved the movie, it's not the best thing I've ever seen and it's not like it has some deep rooted, life altering message. I was just in a sort of trance. The feeling was so nice that I refused to let it go away. I didn't read on the way home, I listened to Grieg instead. I just wanted to keep that moment of peace and contentment going for as long as possible. I succeeded too. I still have little bits of it and I can't wait to get more of it back. I think it may have been a combination of the story and mood of the movie. Not 100% sure. All I know is that I felt really happy after that.

No groundbreaking plans for the weekend. I have to make a trip to the hospital as one of my uncles had his appendix removed yesterday. Some of you may remember this guy. He's the one that asked what D was doing at the hospital when my other uncle died earlier this year. I tried to find the post but couldn't. I'm still a bit angry at him for that so I wasn't going to go but, I've given in and decided to be "the bigger person". D and I are going to see him on Saturday for a bit, just to pop in, say hi, make sure he's doing ok. Then off to "SoaP" and Sunday we may take a trip out to the local comic convention which happens every few months. We'll see how things go.

And now for what you've all been waiting for! ;) This week's KFF. This week, we're going for a bit of a sexyer picture. No drooling or swooning please! I would have for you to have to wipe drool from your keyboard! *hehehe*

As a little bonus, I also found this little bit of fan fic. It's not fantastic, but it'd definately fun. You can read the story (it's pretty short) here.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!


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